Jinkushal Cardiac Care & Superspeciality hospital

Health Insurance Buying Guide

  • Posted by: Jinkushal Cardiac Care Hospital
  • Category: Uncategorized

What Patients Should Consider While Buying Health Insurance?

Health insurance has become an essential component of financial planning in today’s world. The rising costs of medical treatments make it imperative to have a robust health insurance policy to safeguard yourself and your family from financial burdens during medical emergencies. However, choosing the right health insurance plan can be overwhelming.

We understand the complexities of the healthcare system and the importance of informed decision-making.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed choice

Understanding Your Needs

  • Assess Your Family Size & Health Conditions: The number of people covered and any pre-existing medical conditions will influence the type and coverage of your policy.
  • Consider Your Lifestyle & Occupation: Your lifestyle and occupation can determine the level of risk you face. For instance, individuals with high-risk occupations might require additional coverage

Key Factors to Consider

  • Sum Insured: This is the maximum amount the insurer will pay for medical expenses in a policy year. Choose a sum insured that adequately covers potential expenses for your family.
  • Coverage: Understand the scope of coverage. Does the policy cover hospitalization, pre-hospitalization, post-hospitalization expenses, daycare treatments, maternity care, and critical illnesses?
  • Network Hospitals: Check if your preferred hospitals are part of the insurer’s network. This ensures cashless treatment and potential discounts.
  • Room Rent Limit: Ensure the room rent limit aligns with your preferred hospital’s room charges.
  • Co-payment and Deductible: Familiarize yourself with these terms. A co-payment is a fixed amount you pay for each medical service, while a deductible is the amount you pay before insurance kicks in.
  • Add-on Covers: Consider optional covers like maternity, critical illness, personal accident, and OPD expenses based on your needs.
  • Claim Settlement Ratio: This indicates the insurer’s efficiency in settling claims. Opt for insurers with a high claim settlement ratio.
  • Policy Exclusions: Understand what is not covered by the policy to avoid surprises later.
  • Premium: Compare premiums from different insurers, but don’t compromise on coverage for lower premiums.
  • Customer Service: Good customer service is crucial during claim processing. Check reviews and ratings of insurers.

Important Tips

  • Read The Policy Document Carefully: Understand the terms and conditions before signing up.
  • Opt For A Health Check-Up: Many insurers offer free health check-ups. Utilize this benefit to assess your health.
  • Consider A Family Floater Or Individual Plans: Choose the plan that best suits your family’s needs.
  • Regularly Review Your Policy: As your family’s needs and health conditions change, review your policy accordingly.

By carefully considering these factors and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, you can select a health insurance plan that provides adequate protection for you and your family. Remember, health insurance is an investment in your well-being.


This blog is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or financial advice. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional or financial advisor for personalized guidance.

Author: Jinkushal Cardiac Care Hospital